Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Introduction.


Wow, it's been awhile kaaaaaaaan?! It feels so awkward to be typing on this page! And yes, Happy New Year, fellas! It's 2015, and I will be turning 19 ha-ha-ha. Sooo the reason I'm back on Blogger is because I miss writing out my stories hehe. Ah well, if you are currently thinking that I'm gonna write about my feelings like I used to, get over it! Nahhhh, I'm not back on track for feelings (not again), I'm here because I'm gonna share my experience on real life. You know, basic things like the places I go and what I learn about life every single day.
Since I'm still on my semester break, there isn't much to tell for today. However, I've been having this particular thought in my mind all day, you know? I know what I wanna do in the next two years, I see exactly where I want myself to be in the future. Senang cerita, I have everything in plan lah. Tapi, in order for me to achieve the life that I have in mind, I first, must ensure to maintain my CGPA. I'm afraid because if I couldn't make it, I don't know what would I be then, because I don't have other options. I promise I will not waste another year, I promise to give my best shot.
I hope He eases everything for me, because He's been generous enough to always shower me with His mercy.

That is all, folks. It's 3am so, mornight!
