Monday, December 21, 2015



It's funny how fragile I can be sometimes. It's more than just an insecurity, I must warn.
Fragility to me, is discerning others have all the things I've ever dreamed of in life.
Insecurity? Nah, my insecurity goes out only when I am academically challenged.
In my dictionary of life (9th edition *kidding*), both fragility and insecurity bear two different worlds kind of definitions.
Fragility, is what often occurs to me.
Back to the basic, it's no lies about what they always say that "Some people are born to be lucky."
Some are gifted, some are fortunate.
I have to admit that there are times when these inspections drag me further from my partition of faith, being all ignorance. When it happens, I lose myself totally. Sometimes, badly.
So, exactly, what's the point of me blabbering around?
Well it's normal having such thoughts or feelings. I'm anyhow grateful that I am always reminded of how short my life is to grieve over temporary desires.
Therefore, I am reminding myself that God gives every good thing I've asked and prayed for because He loves me.
It's just a matter of time.


Monday, December 14, 2015



I'm not profoundly happy, but I am not genuinely sad either.
Something happened today, and what I've learned from it was one should never raise up the white flag.
Fight until you win, that's the key.
You don't simply give it all up, just because it seems bad right at the moment.
Life is a ride on the wheel, we must all remember.
There are days when we are on top of the world. Some of the rest are at the bottom.
The fate is not ours to determine. Nevertheless, the strength of determination is to be made up firmly in the mind of a wise.
I am somehow very fortunate, to be sent a companion who always keeps his faith in me.
Rejuvenated by every word spoken, motivated by the endless support and guidance.
Truly, I am grateful.
Whatever He sends me as trials and challenges, what power do I have to rebuff?
It will only lead me back to His embrace.
There is not much to be said, but life is a journey of uncertainty.
Every action, effort and prayer must move in the same velocity for better outcomes.
